Category: DIY

  • {D.I.Y host}

    Impress your summer guests with this super easy DIY refresher. Just put some fresh mint and raspberries in a ice tray with water and voila! you have the prettiest ice cubes ever. They make any glass of water more interesting or throw them in a wine glass with some white or blush vino and you…

  • {DIY: video}

    The creative juices have been a flowin’ this week. Actually this is some creative overspill from yesterday’s photo-a-rama post. I’m not exactly sure what possessed me but I decided to play around with iMovie yesterday. As if design & photography wasn’t enough to tame my curiosity (read: boredom) now I need to explore moving pictures!…

  • {HANDMADE: spring harvest recap}

    All the anticipation has come….and gone. The Spring Handmade Harvest Craft Show was a big success. Now that the dust has settled it’s time to recap. As I mentioned before, I managed to pull my act together and get a table full of goodies. Actually I think overcompensated and went a little crazy. The show…

  • {succulent lies}

    I’m not sure where it came from but last week I was hit with drive to scratch off a bunch of stuff on my ‘house decor to do list’. I think it’s because someone who has never been to place before was coming for dinner. That’s usually when I’m driven to do anything, especially clean.…

  • {DIY: sweet hereafter}

    It’s so funny how you anticipate something for so long and it seems so far away, then all of a sudden it’s come……and gone! The much anticipated Handmade Harvest craft show was this past weekend. I’m so happy to report that it was a HUGE success! So happy for Emily & Colleen. Must’ve been great…

  • {HANDMADE: harvest time}

    I love autumn. It’s my favourite season by far. Probably because it matches my colouring. Kidding. Sorta. Anyway, there is some special harvest going on this autumn by the name Handmade Harvest. It’s a craft harvest! (read: craft show) It’s hosted by my dear friend Emily and her partner in crime, Colleen over at Blackbird.…

  • {DIY: pom pom}

    This is a tiny bit dated, but damn I’ve been busy lately. Just over a month ago my dear (craft-challenged) friend Marie-Lou mentioned to me that she was going to buy these gorgeous tissue paper pom pom’s from Etsy for her sister’s baby shower that she was planning. I knew exactly which ones she was…