
I just came across something that I almost refuse to believe. If you’re a creative person or basically anyone who gets insanely frustrated or confused by Microsoft Excel (yeah, yeah, I know….it’s a very powerful and useful tool) then you will be blown away by this. As I read on DesignTAXI today, an artist that goes by the name MysteryGuitarMan has created a stop motion music video of himself dancing to Cuban Pete.

You’re like “what?, how’s that even possible?”. I have no idea but take a look for yourself. It’s amazing! So simple, yet I’m sure mind-boggling complicated and time-consuming yet so entertaining and well done. When I showed my friend, who is an avid Microsoft Excel user, this video they were overjoyed. Perhaps now I will finally come to appreciate the power of Excel plugins for Conjoint analysis in Excel or whatever else people use Excel for. I have to respect the amazing work smart people put into this bit of software. For those of us who are less inclined to jump with joy when someone mentions spreadsheets, this video can be a shining example of what can be creatively achieved when you put your mind to it. My Excel advocate friend agrees, mentioning that she often uses Excel plugins to create all sorts of amazing things. Maybe one day she will be making amazing videos like this to show off her creations? This video definitely inspired her to get more creative with Excel.

Oh and if you really just NEED to know how he did it, here’s the behind the scene video: