DESIGN & BRANDING: getting ready for BlogPodium
If you’re a long die hard fan of this blog (I love you!) please forgive some of this recycled content but I think it’s totally relevant and worth bringing up again. This is specifically about bloggers and blog networking events but really applies to anyone who uses networking in their business or career. I just…
BlogPodium Part 2: the main event
So if you follow me on twitter, Instagram, or facebook you KNOW that I attended BlogPodium this past Saturday. Earlier I posted Part 1, my tea with Sarah Richardson experience and today I’m going to talk a bit more about the actual conference. First up – I would say the most popular BlogPodium topic in…
BlogPodium 2013 Part 1: Tea with Sarah Richardson
So remember that ‘dream room’ moodboard I put together awhile back for a contest ran by BlogPodium to meet Sarah Richardson? Well it looks like Sarah also shares my dream and I was chosen as one of the winners to have tea with her at her design studio. I’ve been watching Sarah on TV for…
{ BlogPodium: what’s in your bag? }
Wow, time is going by at lightening speed. I feel like I was just at Alt Design Summit in San Fran and now it’s already time for Toronto’s BlogPodium this coming Saturday. I’m really looking forward to meeting local bloggers and experts. One of my goals is to do more collaborations in the future so…
BIRTHDAY WEEK: The Sweet Escape Turns 2!
That’s right, my baby is turning two. Where has the year gone since our 1st birthday celebration? It was two years ago that I told myself I was going to take this blogging thing seriously and hold myself accountable to post on a regular basis. This blog has come so far and I’ve learned so…
THRIFTING: Value Village Thrift Store Tour
Well you know where this is going. A bunch of bloggers who love thrift shopping going on a Value Village store tour in some brand new & roomy cars? Ok, twist my arm to say yes. That’s what went down recently and I can’t think of a better way to spend a Sunday. After another…
BLOGLIFE: 5 tips for your first blog conference
I consider myself a bit of a blog conference veteran at this point. What’s a bit nuts is that it happened in just one year. The upcoming BlogPodium conference in September will be my 5th (!) since last July. I hardly believed it myself until I actually counted. I went to Alt Summit in San…
Wow! One year ago I decided to take this little baby blog of mine to the next level and boy have we come a long way. Almost 400 posts later, I’m still going strong & growing. I’m like a proud mama. There’s been ups and downs and it’s been a cray cray amount of work…
{Alt Summit Part 1: The business cards}
Here we are folks, Part 1 of my Alt Summit review. I know there’s lots of people who really want me to share this amazing experience but I also know that not everyone wants to relive every moment so I’m going to try really hard to keep it to three parts, the biz cards, what…
{BACON & BLOGGERS: Blog brunch Toronto}
Are you a lifestyle blogger living in Toronto? Are you interested in meeting up with other bloggers over some bacon? Click below to read more about joining in on this event! The event has also been arranged to learn more tips and tricks from one another on how you can supercharge your blogging efforts to…
{ DIY: getting creative with tonic living fabric}
One of the great sponsors that I got introduced to at BlogPodium was Tonic Living. They specialize in designer fabrics, throw pillows and more. Tonic Living ran a great contest for a group of creative bloggers. They had a selection of large fabric swatches and you had to choose 2 of the fab patterns and…
{DESIGN: networking with your business card}
So today I’m lucky enough to meet the talented design celebrity, Sarah Richardson (yippie!) followed by the big BlogPodium conference on tomorrow where I hope to meet a bunch more creative & talented people. I wanted to do a post about something very important, like what I should wear to these two events. But the…
{SPACES: my dream room}
This post should be titled My Dream Room….For Now. I can’t help it, there’s so much inspiration out there that if I had my own moving team and unlimited funds I would be changing my whole space every year.I’m super excited to be going to my first BlogPodium conference for bloggers in Toronto in a…