{DIY: home office style}

So it’s been about three months since I started working from home and I’m still struggling with space & organizing my Office Supplies. Seeing as my office can be quite cluttered at times, this may be a reason as to why I am not feeling as productive as I would like. With that being said, a friend of mine recommended that I checked out a site like Filecenterdsm, as installing something like a paperless management software may allow me to keep important documents together rather than having everything lying on the floor/desk. This could be a way for me to work from home a lot better. We’ll see how it goes.

There are also other things that are keeping me busy, for example, I spent an evening checking to see if I can get cheaper energy bills with a company like Simply Switch, as my bills have been costing more since I’ve started working from home. So whilst getting that sorted and organising everything else, I’ve been fairly busy. Regardless, I’ve still been thinking about my office space. Needless to say, it needs to be functional and there are some things that are necessary, despite them not really fitting the aesthetics. For example, printers don’t necessarily look great and they take up a lot of room but they are essential for an office. I would recommend having a multifunction device so that you can print, photocopy and scan, despite the space that they occupy. Whilst my office space needs to be functional, it also has to fit in with my living decor. With no further ado, here’s a bunch of great inspirational home office DIY’s to help add a personal touch to any work space. There’s some really great & simple ideas out there. Maybe you’ll be inspired to get organized too!

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