Author: TheSweetEscape

  • {happy mother’s day}


  • {the great outdoors}

    I burst out laughing when I saw this. I’m outdoorsy, in both ways. 

  • {weddings: love brings you back}

    My two month adventure has come…and gone. Sigh. But it was amazing! And it helps when I come back to such beautiful summer-like weather at home. Summer also means wedding time. This year is a repeat of last summer where I have no less than 5 (!) weddings between May & August. But I do,…

  • {DIY: video}

    The creative juices have been a flowin’ this week. Actually this is some creative overspill from yesterday’s photo-a-rama post. I’m not exactly sure what possessed me but I decided to play around with iMovie yesterday. As if design & photography wasn’t enough to tame my curiosity (read: boredom) now I need to explore moving pictures!…

  • {style: wanted this dress!}

    Do I ever like pretty & unique things. I came across this dress in my daily review sfgirlbay blog and my jaw dropped. I LOVE this dress. So much. So pretty. So unique. Such awesome colour combos. Now how do I make it mine? And more importantly, for less than $400.  (originally posted on Stirling Style)

  • {stumped}

    I just love when I come across something completely new and unique. There’s obviously a TON of creative stuff out there and we all pull inspiration from everywhere and add our spin to it but it’s refreshing when you come across something that’s not really like anything you’ve seen before. That’s how I felt when I…

  • {design: resolutions}

    Ah yes, that time of year where we start with a clean slate, optimistic for what’s ahead and set some goals to help us make things happen. For myself, I never actually sat down and wrote down my resolutions but I have a few biggies that I set for myself near the end of last…

  • {escape}

    To say my head is in the clouds would be an understatement. It’s basically anywhere but here these days. And as of this morning it’s here, in this glass room in the middle of a forest. Doesn’t this just look like the most peaceful place on earth? All I need is some good music and…

  • {INSPIRATION: bottle me up}

    What, you ask is stunning enough to get me back on the blog horse after a lonnnggg break? How about these stunning photos from Johnny Miller. I can’t stop staring at them. What a beautiful way to bring some sunshine & colour into your life at such a gloomy and cold time of year. I…

  • {happy new year}

  • {design: trend alert pantone colour}

    It’s that time of year…Best of Lists and predictions for the upcoming year. Pantone just released the official colour of 2012. And the winner is……….Tangerine Tango!! I’m okay with this since I happen to love this colour. It’s also the shade of my favourite lipstick. Pantone definitely is an authority when it comes to colour as…

  • {CHRISTMAS: wrap it up}

    Gift wrap for designer…or just people who love colour. You know designers, not just ANY old wrapping paper will due. Their gift needs to stand out. The wrapping is just as much part of the gift, if not even more important than the gift. If this sounds like you and you’re not even a designer…

  • {style: vintage trailer dream job}

    You know the old question, what would you do for a living if making decent money wasn’t an issue? As in, what do you REALLY want to do for a living? Well I’ve thought about this many times and the answer changes, depending. I like change and I can’t see myself doing any one thing…

  • {STYLE: four eyes}

    I was inspired today by Tuesday’s Girl – a regular post on one of my very favourite blogs (top 3) sfgirlbybay. It’s a little shout out to girls in glasses. I don’t wear glasses all the time but I have several pairs and I admit that I do enjoy them. As the post mentions and…

  • {style: wino approved gift}

    I don’t know about you but my friends are a bunch of winos. Ok fine, so am I.  That’s why I just loved this reusable wine carrying tote I saw on my fav blog Design Sponge today. They are by a company called MapTote. Turns out there’s a bunch of colour and creative options. I…